The association and its partners
A beautiful story
In 2002, Christel Pernet met the Tuareg chief Mohamed lxa during a forced landing in the Ténéré Desert, while taking part in a humanitarian aid airdrop with 'Air Solidarité'. It was from this unexpected encounter that the desire to help the local Tuareg population was born. While there, she discovered the difficulties of life in the desert and found that most of the problems (lack of education, lack of food, infant mortality, etc.) stem from the scarcity of water.

In 2004, she created the association “Les Puits du Désert”. Mohamed Ixa created the Tidène NGO. Together they signed a partnership agreement and began this wonderful adventure. At least 79 wells were built between then and 2006, when the first 'Lago' community school was opened.
In 2009, “Les Puits du Désert” and the 'Tidène' NGO were selected by the World Bank for the 'development market,' and both took part in the 2012 World Water Forum.

In 2013, the first phase of the 'Security and Development' program in the Aïr Mountains was launched. 203 wells were completed. This massive rehabilitation marked a turning point in the history of the region.
Christel Pernet was appointed Tambara by the Sultan of Aïr, the region's highest customary authority. She thus became the first white woman to obtain this honorary title, which confers on her the responsibility of representing Tuareg women. This distinction was a real acknowledgment of the work carried out since the creation of the association.

The association was invited to the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar by the Partenariat Français pour l'Eau to present its “security and development“ project. The Niger example became a benchmark, a model for Guillaume Benoit, a member of the French Academy of Agriculture and chairman of the ‘Water and Rural Development’ group of the French Water Partnership.

- Christel Pernet
- President of the Association “Les Puits du Désert”
Christel Pernet has been involved in humanitarian action in Africa for several years. She founded the association “Les Ailes du Désert” in 1998, combining her passion for management and humanitarian aid in Africa.
The association “Les Puits du Désert” followed in 2002, when she moved to the Ténéré Desert in Niger. Her encounter with Mohamed Ixa would shape both of their futures.

- Mohamed Ixa
- President of the Tidène NGO
Having founded the Tidène association in 2004 to help the Tuareg people of northern Niger, Mohamed Ixa is a Tuareg himself, who works tirelessly to promote his country and, in particular, the Tidène Valley.
A renowned Ténéré Desert tour guide, he worked alongside Mano Dayak to organize thousands of trips through his agency until 2007.
Convinced that his region urgently requires access to water before it can focus on any other aspects of development and security, he is deeply invested when it comes to spreading the word about his people, their issues, and the associated humanitarian and economic challenges.

- Ibrahim Rissa Ikssa
- Vice President of the Tidène NGO
Having grown up in the African bush, Ibrahim was sponsored by the association “Les Puits du Désert” and was able to study in Europe and the United States. Following a 2-year Master’s Degree in Management and Marketing, he returned to Niger to manage “Tidène NGO”.
He coordinates all field initiatives and manages a team of 8 people in the various intervention zones.
He hopes – amongst his other goals – to convince Tuaregs from diaspora communities to return to the country, to support the local populations. By sharing their experiences with these populations, they will create jobs for young workers, the rate of which is growing exponentially.

- Armelle de Roton
- Director of the Association “Les Puits du Désert”
Passionate about development issues and outreach organizations, Armelle de Roton has been a partner of the association for nearly 15 years.
She became director of Les Puits du Désert in early 2023 and stays up-to-date on projects with the Tidène NGO team. Based in Paris, she is also in charge of communications and partner relations.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is composed of 25 elected representatives who can be re-elected every 25 years, and a Youth Division comprising 3 students. Each member has an assigned role, and brings his or her skills and commitment to all of the association’s actions.
President: Christel Pernet / Vice Presidents: Michel Daspet, Alain Dupouy, Jean Marc Pambet, Nadine Sionneau, Jacques Tcheng / Treasurer: Philippe Osouf / Secretary General: Sylviane Meunier / Members: Bernard Aubonnet, Jean-Claude Belanger, Laurence Bobillier, Myriam Bincaille, Stéphane Bouvier, Mahé Chaon, Patrice Drevet, Jean-Louis Garnier, Calixte Gautier, Franck Giazzi, Anne Karsenty, Thierry Nicod, Emilie Patou, Ingrid Pernet-Duparc, René Schild, Jean Christophe Sibelya, Jean Thomas
Nos partenaires