Working Seminar in Marrakech between the 2 partners : les puits du désert and ONG Tidène
From February 9 to 15, Christel Pernet, Ingrid Duparc, Jean-Louis Garnier, and Armelle de Roton traveled to Morocco to meet with the team from the NGO *Tidène*. Given the current impossibility for French nationals to travel to Niger, and for Nigeriens to obtain visas for France, the choice of a mid-distance location with affordable air access was essential. Therefore, this working seminar took place in Marrakech, where accommodation was graciously provided.
A visit to the Nisaa Al Khair Women's Cooperative in Chichaoua offered an opportunity to exchange best practices for running and developing a cooperative.
This seminar, rich in information and exchanges, allowed for the validation of ongoing projects and a status update with Tidène's collaborators, whose enthusiasm, commitment, and motivation we greatly appreciated!
The Tidène team included Ango, Ali, and Moktar, accompanied by their director, Ibrahim Rissa Ikssa.
The seminar was an opportunity to review all ongoing and upcoming projects, as well as to train, strengthen the team, and spend quality time together.
A meeting with Tori and later with Karine introduced us to permaculture: an agricultural method based on sustainable development principles and respectful of biodiversity, which aims to mimic the functioning of natural ecosystems. This approach is perfectly applicable to our area of intervention.
The NGO’s technicians were highly interested in this type of agriculture, and Ango will soon receive training that will enable him to teach it to the gardeners in the Tidène valley.
A trial plot dedicated to permaculture will be established in each cooperative for an initial period of five years.
The visit to Camille's workshop allowed us to explore natural dyeing. The use of natural dyes, such as indigo and pomegranate, which are locally available, is expected to be very successful among the women in the valley. These could serve as an excellent alternative to the chemical products currently in use.